The most essential thing is that you feel comfortable with me as your coach, your partner in this journey. For coaching to be effective and impactful, it is crucial that we connect, we gel as counterparts.
Often, you will see many abbreviations, certifications and qualifications next to people's names. These can sometimes be quite intimidating, but can also be completely meaningless to you.
Therefore, I will keep this section as short as possible, but as comprehensive as necessary, for you to get a better idea of who I am.
Let's have a Chemistry Conversation!
your coach sarah
Certified Brain-Based Coach® from NeuroLeadership Institute.
GCologist and GC Partner of The GC Index® (a.k.a. The Game-Changing Index).
Having extensive experience as an internal coach for individuals in corporate talent and leadership programs.
Member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation).
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from FHDW Bielefeld, Germany.
Master of Strategic HR Management from University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE.
Clients say that I am very authentic and that they feel at ease speaking to me as I create a safe space.
My superpowers are that I am empathetic and a great listener.
Entering into a coaching relationship, you can count on me to be 100% committed to support you to succeed.
I enjoy being structured and organised to be able to support you best.
Cross-cultural settings and teams energise me, with all the challenges as well as all the benefits attached to this.
Gathered more than 10 years of experience in various HR functions within European international groups.
I speak both German and English fluently.